Experts with a narrow field of specialization who combine classical standards of molecular diagnostics with the latest advances in technology, chemistry and bioengineering. With their unique experience and passion, they create and implement innovative solutions for the agri-food market.


Chief scientific officer

Graduate of the Medical University of Wroclaw, laboratory diagnostician. Since 2014 a researcher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at the Medical University of Wroclaw. Experienced in designing and optimizing experiments using molecular biology methods.

At Bioaccure™, he is actively involved in R&D tasks in the detection of genetic material of pathogens and the development of DNA isolation methodology.


Chief executive officer

Graduate of Wroclaw University of Economics, manager with many years of experience in the areas of sales and marketing. Recent years in the role of director of marketing and sales support in the insurance industry. Participated in building and implementing commercialization strategies for research and development projects.

At Bioaccure™, responsible for the development and commercialization of the company.



Absolwent wydziału Technologii Żywności Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w sektorach agro i przetwórstwa rolno-spożywczego. Pracował na stanowiskach kierowniczych min. w Nutripol, Agrii, Energa Bio, Agrivi, Elstar Oils S.A., czy Cefetra. Posiada certyfikat Prince2®

W Terrabio odpowiedzialny za wsparcie administracji oraz Business Development.


Chief of the molecular biology department

Graduate of Biology with a specialization in applied biology at the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw. Since 2014 an employee of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Botany, and since 2017 a researcher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at Wroclaw University of Medical Sciences. 

At Bioaccure™, she is responsible for the design, implementation and optimization of diagnostic processes, performance of genetic analyses, and data compilation and archiving.


Head of construction team

Graduate of Wrocław Technical University. Constructor and programmer of EMBEDED. Has worked for over 12 years as an Independent Chief Constructor in IASE.

At Bioaccure™, he is responsible for coordinating hardware and software development.
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